JT Works With ADA 25 Chicago to Increase Inclusion & Access
JT helps coordinate Chicago’s 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act to build awareness and expand access, inclusion and opportunity for people with disabilities.
Throughout 2015, JT worked with ADA 25 Chicago, anetwork of 200 civic partner organizations from across the region who collaborated on a yearlong initiative to commemorate and leverage the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act to build awareness and expand access, inclusion and opportunity for people with disabilities.
JT provided strategic counsel, communications, outreach, event planning and management, and digital services (including social media). Key components of our work included:
Development of an overaching communications, outreach and media strategy, as well as foundation messages to celebrate the progress made under the ADA, while also highlighting the ongoing disparities in education, employment and community inclusion for people with disabilities
Planning and coordination of numerous high-profile events, including:
The April launch event and press conference at Motorola Mobility in the Merchandise Mart
AJune City Club of Chicago luncheon featuring former U.S. Senator Tom Harkin, original author of the ADA
An October Econimic Club of Chicago Leadership Forum featuring Steve Pemberton, Vice Persident and Global Chief Diversity Officer, Walgreens Boots Alliance;
Karen Tamley, Commissioner, City of Chicago Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities; and Kareen Dale, Director and Senior Councel, Discover Financial ServicesThe Disability Inclusion Opportunity Summit on November 16 and 17, which featured speakers including Tom Perez, U.S. Secretary of Labor; Tammy Duckenberry, Congresswoman (D-IL 8); Jack Markell, Governor of Daleware; John Hockenberry, national journlist and author; Gregory Hlibok, Chief, Dasability Rights Office, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau, FCC; Thomas Hehir, Professor, Harvard Graduate School of Education; Susan Mazrui, Director of Public Policy and Nation Disability Liaison, AT&T; and many other Luminaries and experts
A media relations strategy which resulted in more than 60 placements in diverse print and broadcast outlets throughout the metropolitan Chicago region, including feature and editorial coverage
Content creation and design consultation for a wide range of outreach and marketing materrials, including fact sheets, palm cards, invitations, e-newsletters, presentations, talking points, etc.
Development, content creation and management of the ADA 25 Chicago website, http://www.ADA25Chicago.org, and social media channels (Facebook, Twitter and YouTube), engaging four milion people through social media
Production of eight high-quality, audio-described and captioned videos that showcase the mission of and stories behind ADA 25 Chicago
JT is proud to have played a part in creating greater public awareness of disabilities in this region, As part of its ongoing commitment to the mission and objectives of ADA 25 Cicago, JT will continue to produce and distribute a daily e-blast highlighting local and national disability-related news. Those interested in receiving this daily news aggregation on disability issues can sign up by clicking here.
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