Skills for Chicagoland’s Future Celebrates Five-Year Anniversary at Third Annual Employment Champions Breakfast
Chicago business, community and workforce development leaders joined honorary co-chairs Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Penny Pritzker to celebrate Skills for Chicagoland’s Future’s (Skills) employer and community partners at its third annual Employment Champions Breakfast.
Nearly 500 Chicago business, community and workforce development leaders joined honorary co-chairs Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Penny Pritzker at the Palmer House Hilton on October 6 to celebrate Skills for Chicagoland’s Future’s (Skills) employer and community partners at its third annual Employment Champions Breakfast.

For the last five years, Skills – a public-private partnership that meets the hiring needs of employers by offering innovative solutions to place qualified, unemployed and underemployed candidates into available positions – has worked tirelessly to improve the trajectory of struggling Chicagoland residents by providing them with meaningful job opportunities. In that time, Skills has placed more than 4,500 formerly under- and unemployed job seekers into jobs through relationships with top Chicagoland employers.
At the event, Skills also announced the results from a two-year independent study funded by the Joyce Foundation that evaluated the impact of Skills’ workforce model on job seekers. The study revealed that Skills had impressive impacts on job seekers’ earnings and retention when measured against a comparison group of unemployed or underemployed individuals not served by Skills. Skills also had the greatest impact on those job seekers with the lowest prior earnings.
JT secured media coverage and managed all event details for the Employment Champions Breakfast including stage management, event logistics, writing remarks and managing on-site media. Leading up to the event, JT worked to secure an article about Skills’ study results in the Chicago Tribune to coincide with the celebratory event. The event and study were also covered across Chicago TV, radio and community print media.
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