Holly joined JT after a 12-year career in the non-profit and higher education sector.
At JT, she provides firm-wide client services, including creative and strategy development, customized communications training (message, media and presentation), crisis communications planning and management, major writing assignments and facilitation of focus groups.
A former school board president, Holly also leads much of the firm’s work on behalf of K-12 school districts. This includes comprehensive communications audits, strategy and message development, and crisis communications support for instances of sexual harassment, employee/student misconduct, labor relations, and finance or facility issues. Her expertise in this area is widely-recognized and she is a frequent presenter on school communications topics.
For a variety of clients including municipalities, corporations, labor unions, academic medical centers, colleges and universities, manufacturing companies and more, Holly has provided strategic communications counsel, oversees brand positioning, coordinates strategy and message development, and develops internal and external communications to ensure a timely and appropriate organizational response to critical issues, challenges and opportunities.
Holly is also part of JT’s senior management team that works with our clients to prepare for and respond to serious issues and crises, including sexual harassment/misconduct, labor relations, environmental hazards, data/privacy breaches and equipment malfunctions, among others. She has lead the development of crisis communications plans and incident escalation systems for a wide range of corporate clients.
A trained facilitator, Holly has coordinated retreats, training sessions and focus groups for groups from 10 to 100, including media, message and presentation training. With JT CEO Mary Patrick, she co-developed and facilitates the firm’s proprietary “Difficult Dialogues” communications skills training.
In addition, Holly developed the curriculum for a PR Issues & Crises course and serves as an adjunct faculty member at Columbia College of Chicago.
What would you be doing if you weren’t working at JT?
“For sure, I’d be doing something in education. It was my childhood dream to be a teacher. I am on the adjunct faculty at Columbia College, where I wrote the curriculum for their PR Issues class.”
Joined Jasculca Terman after working in the non-profit and education sectorν
Provides creative and strategy development across clients of all sectorsφ
Skilled crisis communicatorω
Leads work on behalf of K-12 school districtsπ
Adjunct faculty member at Columbia College of Chicagoξ